Food & Cooking

Conversion Charts: Measurements Useful in Cooking

Much of the world measures dry ingredients by weight, rather than volume, as is done in the United States. 

1 ounce = 28.4 grams
1 pound = 455 grams (about half a kilo)


Weights and Measurements
A quick refresher on U.S. measurements.
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
4 tablespoons = 2 fluid ounces = ¼ cup
5⅓ tablespoons = 16 teaspoons = ⅓ cup
8 tablespoons = 4 fluid ounces = ½ cup
16 tablespoons = 8 fluid ounces = 1 cup
2 cups = 1 pint
4 cups = 2 pints = 1 quart
16 cups = 8 pints = 4 quarts = 1 gallon


Common Abbreviations:

oz = ounce
fl oz = fluid ounce
tsp = teaspoon
tbsp = tablespoon
ml = milliliter
c = cup
pt = pint
qt = quart
gal = gallon
L = liter


Weights For Dry Ingredients:

Metric  - Imperial7g - ¼ - oz
15g - ½ - oz
20g - ¾ - oz
25g - 1 - oz
40g - 1½oz
50g - 2oz
60g - 2½oz
75g - 3oz
100g - 3½oz
125g - 4oz
140g - 4½oz
150g - 5oz
165g - 5½oz
175g - 6oz
200g - 7oz
225g - 8oz
250g - 9oz
275g - 10oz
300g - 11oz
350g - 12oz
375g - 13oz
400g - 14oz
425g - 15oz
450g - 1lb
500g - 1lb - 2oz
550g - 1¼lb
600g - 1lb - 5oz
650g - 1lb - 7oz
675g - 1½lb
700g - 1lb - 9oz
750g - 1lb - 11oz
800g - 1¾lb
900g - 2lb
1kg - 2¼lb
1.1kg - 2½lb
1.25kg - 2¾lb
1.35kg - 3lb
1.5kg - 3lb - 6oz
1.8kg - 4lb
2kg - 4½lb
2.25kg - 5lb
2.5kg - 5½lb
2.75kg - 6lb

3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
4 tablespoons = 2 fluid ounces = ¼ cup
5 tablespoons = 16 teaspoons = cup
8 tablespoons = 4 fluid ounces = ½ cup
16 tablespoons = 8 fluid ounces = 1 cup
2 cups = 1 pint
4 cups = 2 pints = 1 quart
16 cups = 8 pints = 4 quarts = 1 gallon


Liquid Volume Measures:

Metric - Imperial - Aus US
25ml 1fl oz
60ml 2fl oz ¼ cup ¼ cup
75ml 3fl oz
100ml 3½fl oz
120ml 4fl oz ½ cup ½ cup
150ml 5fl oz
175ml 6fl oz ¾ cup ¾ cup
200ml 7fl oz
250ml 8fl oz 1 cup 1 cup
300ml 10fl oz/½ pt ½ pint 1¼ cups
360ml 12fl oz
400ml 14fl oz
450ml 15fl oz 2 cups 2 cups/1 pint
600ml 1 pint 1 pint 2½ cups
750ml 1¼ pint
900ml 1½ pints
1 litre 1¾ pints 1¾ pints 1 quart
1.2 litres 2 pints
1.4 litres 2½ pints
1.5 litres 2¾ pints
1.7 litres 3 pints
2 litres 3½ pints
3 litres 5¼ pints

1 quart = 1 liter
1 cup = 250 milliliters
¾ cup = 200 milliliters
½ cup = 125 milliliters
cup = 105 milliliters
¼ cup = 60 milliliters
1 fluid ounce = 30 milliliters
1 tablespoon = 15 milliliters
1 teaspoon = 5 milliliters

Liquid Conversions: U.S. - Metric
1 tsp 5 ml
1 tbs 15 ml
2 tbs 30 ml
3 tbs 45 ml
¼ cup 60 ml
⅓ cup 75 ml
⅓ cup + 1 tbs 90 ml
⅓ cup + 2 tbs 100 ml
½ cup 120 ml
⅔ cup 150 ml
¾ cup 180 ml
¾ cup + 2 tbs 200 ml
1 cup 240 ml
1 cup + 2 tbs 275 ml
1 ¼ cups 300 ml
1 ⅓ cups 325 ml
1 ½ cups 350 ml
1 ⅔ cups 375 ml
1 ¾ cups 400 ml
1 ¾ cups + 2 tbs 450 ml
2 cups (1 pint) 475 ml
2 ½ cups 600 ml
3 cups 720 ml
4 cups (1 quart) 945 ml
(1,000 ml is 1 liter)

Inch: ¼ inch: Metric: 6 mm
Inch: ½ inch: Metric: 1.25 cm
Inch: ¾ inch: Metric: 2 cm
Inch: 1 inch: Metric: 2.5 cm
Inch: 6 inches (½ foot): Metric: 15 cm
Inch: 12 inches (1 foot): Metric: 30 cm


Some Useful Benchmarks

Water boils at 212°F
Water freezes at 32°F
325°F is the oven temperature for roasting
A 250 mL measure replaces one 8 oz cup
A 15 mL measure replaces one tablespoon
A 5 mL measure replaces one teaspoon
A 20 cm × 20 cm baking pan replaces a U.S. 8″ × 8″ baking pan
A 22.5 × 22.5 cm baking pan replaces a U.S. 9″ × 9″ baking pan
A 30 cm × 20 cm baking pan replaces a U.S. 12″ × 8″ baking pan
A 22.5 cm pie pan replaces a 9″ pie pan
A 21.25 cm × 11.25 cm loaf pan replaces an 8″ × 4″ loaf pan
A 1.5 liter casserole, sauce pan or soufflé dish replaces a 1 1/2 qt dish
A 3 liter casserole, sauce pan or soufflé dish replaces a 3 qt dish
5 cm is about 2 inches
The Imperial pound (lb), which is 16 ounces (oz), equals approximately 450 grams (g).
1 pound is a little less than 500 gm
2 pounds is a little less than 1 kg

Spoon measures
All the measurements given in the recipes are for level spoonfuls (British Imperial Standard)
1 teaspoon = 5ml
1 tablespoon = 15ml
The tablespoon measurements below are equivalent to approximately 1oz (25g) of the following ingredients:
Breadcrumbs (dried) 3
Breadcrumbs (fresh) 7
Butter/margarine/lard 2
Cheese, grated (Cheddar) 3
Cheese, grated (Parmesan) 4
Cocoa powder 4
Cornflour/custard powder 21/2
Flour, unsifted 3
Rice (uncooked) 2
Sugar (granulated, caster) 2
Sugar (icing) 3
Honey/syrup 1
Yeast (dried) 2


Weights of Common Ingredients
All-purpose flour: 1 cup = 120 g
Granulated cane sugar: 1 cup = 200 g
Confectioners’ sugar: 1 cup = 100 g
Brown sugar (packed): 1 cup = 180 g
Cornmeal: 1 cup = 160 g
Cornstarch: 1 cup = 120 g
Rice (uncooked): 1 cup = 190 g
Macaroni (uncooked): 1 cup = 140 g
Couscous (uncooked): 1 cup = 180 g
Oats (uncooked, quick): 1 cup = 90 g
Table salt: 1 cup = 300 g
Butter: 1 cup = 240 g
Vegetable shortening: 1 cup = 190 g

Fruits and vegetables (chopped): 1 cup = 150 g
Nuts (chopped): 1 cup = 150 g
Nuts (ground): 1 cup = 120 g
Bread crumbs (fresh, packed): 1 cup = 60 g
Bread crumbs (dry): 1 cup = 150 g
Parmesan cheese (grated): 1 cup = 90 g


8 × 11⁄2 inch round baking pan 20 × 4 cm cake tin
9 × 11⁄2 inch round baking pan 23 × 3.5 cm cake tin
11 × 7 × 11⁄2 inch baking pan 28 × 18 × 4 cm baking tin
13 × 9 × 2 inch baking pan 30 × 20 × 5 cm baking tin
2 quart rectangular baking dish 30 × 20 × 3 cm baking tin
15 × 10 × 2 inch baking pan 30 × 25 × 2 cm baking tin (Swiss roll tin)
9 inch pie plate 22 × 4 or 23 × 4 cm pie plate
7 or 8 inch springform pan 18 or 20 cm springform or loose bottom cake tin
9 × 5 × 3 inch loaf pan 23 × 13 × 7 cm or 2 lb narrow loaf or pâté tin
11⁄2 quart casserole 1.5 liter casserole
2 quart casserole 2 liter casserole

Oven Temperatures
The Celsius  To Fahrenheit Conversion.

ºC:  ºF:  Gas Mark:  Temperature
130  250  1/2  Very cool
140  275  1  Very cool
150  300 2 Cool
160–170 325 3 Warm
180 350 4 Moderate
190 375 5 Fairly hot
200 400 6 Fairly hot
210–220 425 7 Hot
230 450 8 Very hot
240 475 9 Very hot
250 500 9  Very hot


Temperature conversion formula:
C = (F-32) x 5/9
F = (C x 9/5) + 32

Recommended Safe Cooking Temperatures
It's best to use a food thermometer to determine these recommended minimum internal temperatures of foods.

Food - Degrees Fahrenheit (°F)

Ground meat and meat mixtures: Beef, pork, veal, lamb 160
Turkey, chicken 165
Fresh beef, veal, lamb: Steaks, roasts, chops 145
Poultry: Chicken and turkey, whole 165
Poultry breasts, roasts 165
Poultry thighs, wings 165
Duck and goose 165
Stuffing (cooked alone or in bird) 165
Fresh pork 145
Ham - Fresh (raw) 145
Pre-cooked (to reheat) 140
Eggs and egg dishes: Eggs - Cook until yolk and white are firm.
Egg dishes 160

Fish 145 (Cook fish until it is opaque (milky white) and flakes with a fork.
Shellfish Shrimp, lobster, scallops: Cook until the flesh of shrimp and lobster are an opaque color. Scallops should be opaque and firm.
Clams, mussels, oysters: Cook until their shells open. This means that they are done. Throw away any that were already open before cooking as well as ones that did not open after cooking.

Casseroles and reheated leftovers 165

Metric Conversion Chart
United States .... Metric

¼ teaspoon ......... 1.2 mL
½ teaspoon ......... 2.5 mL
1 teaspoon .......... 5 mL
1 tablespoon....... 15 mL
¼ cup................... 60 mL
⅓ cup .................. 80 mL
½ cup................... 120 mL
⅔ cup .................. 160 mL
¾ cup................... 175 mL
1 cup.................... 240 mL
1 ounce................ 30 gms