Healthy Food

A Simpleguide To Low Calorie Cooking & Eating

How do you know if you're obese or overweight? There's one measurement called the body mass index (BMI) that's a general guide to determining if you fit into either category. An adult is considered overweight if her or his BMI is 25 to 29.9 or obese if it's 30 or higher. The BMI isn't a direct measure of body fat, so athletes and other muscular individuals may need to rely on more specific measures of body fat. You can determine your BMI by entering your weight and height into the calculator at
How'd you do? If you fall into the category of healthy weight, great! If you find you fit into the overweight or obese category, you're not alone. you wish there was a magic recipe that you could whip up for everyone that would miraculously melt all those extra pounds away. But, alas, there's no such recipe. 

There's no simple answer to the ideal eating plan to follow, the bottom line for maintaining a healthy weight comes down to this calorie equation: you need to balance calories in with calories out.
If you consume more calories than your body needs, you'll gain weight. If you consume fewer calories than your body needs, you'll lose weight. Though very simplified, that's the gist of it all. (Of course, being physically active can play an important role in calorie management, too.) And there's more. Besides quantity, the quality and even the timing of the calories you consume is essential to consider. 

Here's the nutrition criteria per serving that applies to all the recipes:

Maximum of:
An easy-to-remember goal is to consume no more than 1mg sodium per calorie daily. So for a 1,500-calorie plan, consuming less than 1,500mg sodium is an excellent goal for health (1,500mg sodium is also the suggested maximum daily level if you are age 51 or older, if you're African-American, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease). 

Many people feel that keeping within recommended quantities of calories and sodium or getting enough key nutrients, such as fiber and calcium, requires sacrifice. What better way to stay inspired and make it easy to eat well than to have a seemingly endless supply of recipes? No sacrifice required!

What to Eat
Eat right-size amounts of real food—and relish it. 

Here's a checklist that provides you with general guidelines for following this eating philosophy. The ultimate goal is to be able to check this list off daily (even if it's just a mental checklist).

Healthy Eating Daily Checklist
Follow the 5-hour rule.
Healthy eating and weight management don't require starvation. And in fact, try not to go more than five waking hours without eating so your blood sugar stays level and metabolism stays revved up. Otherwise, you may be more likely to make poor food or drink choices to fulfill cravings.
Reach for real. Increase whole foods and decrease overly processed foods. Keep "natural" ingredients in and artificial ingredients out. It will help keep flavors up and fillers out. It will help assure that your body is getting important nutrients it needs and not those it doesn't. It's the key aspect of a better eating plan.
Be plant friendly. Focus your plate on plant foods, especially produce which naturally provides fiber and low-calorie goodness. (See Fill Up on Fiber, page xi.) It heightens volume and overall appeal of your meals while boosting satiety (makes you feel full). Select fresh seasonal produce often. It will be at its peak of ripeness, nutritional value, and flavor. Aim for five total cups of vegetables and fruits daily. Pick various colors, too, including red, orange, and dark-green produce. Every time you eat, plan to fill half of your plate with produce—especially veggies.
Make nutrient-rich choices. When you're losing weight, it's more important than ever to make every calorie count. Choose foods that have significant amounts of key nutrients, naturally.  Limit "empty-calorie" foods that have significant caloric amounts of added sugars and saturated (solid) fats. Always go for zero trans fats. Select whole grains in place of refined grains whenever possible. (See What Counts as a Whole Grain?, page xiii.) When eating sweets, choose those naturally sweetened, such as with fruit, most often. When in doubt, choose real foods with the richest color.
Get the right balance. Balance meals by selecting good carbs, adequate protein, and healthful fats. Good carbs, like whole grains, are essential for providing energy. Ensure that you're getting enough protein throughout the day, not just at lunch or dinnertime. Protein can help boost satiety (make you feel full) and maintain your lean tissue (muscle). Choose plant-based proteins, such as beans, more often than animal-based proteins. Include at least 2 teaspoons of healthful oils, such as extra-virgin olive oil, each day within your meals; it can improve health, nutrient absorption, and flavor. Don't forget other natural flavor enhancers, such as honey or sea salt—but just a drizzle or a pinch, respectively.
Drink right. Calories can add up quickly when you're gulping them down. So, when you're simply quenching thirst, sip calorie-free or very low calorie, better-for-you beverages—focusing on cold filtered fresh tap water or unsweetened tea.  Aim to drink at least six 8-ounce glasses daily of these, especially water like Spa H20. When choosing a beverage for enjoyment, make calories count by choosing nutrient-rich beverages, like real fruit smoothies; they do count as part of your fruit servings, after all. And, if you're able to consume alcohol, plan for the added calories within your meal plan. Generally, up to one drink a day for women or two for men can be included healthfully. What counts as a drink? A 12-fluid-ounce beer, 5-fluid-ounce glass of wine, or cocktail containing 11⁄2 fluid ounces 80-proof spirits. Cocktails can provide a clever way to boost your fruit and vegetable intake. 
Be realistic. You don't have to give up your favorites! But do try to make wiser, fresher, "cleaner" picks when you do. Look for the dishes that delight your palate the most. you bet you'll discover most, if not all, of your favorites here.
Savor slowly. How you eat is important, not just what you eat. So eat slowly—whenever possible, sit at a table, use silverware, plates, and bowls. You'll be able to truly appreciate your food.
Keep it delicious. Always know that a tasty meal plan is one that's easiest to stick to. Enjoyment is key to following a good-for-you eating plan for the long term. 

Getting the Right Balance
What's the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats within a nutritious diet?
Based on the current research available on healthy eating, your recommendations as a registered dietitian are below.

40 to 60 percent calories from carbohydrates
- Aim for higher fiber choices, little to no refined grains, and only small amounts of added unrefined sugars, including honey and turbinado sugar.
- Foods that provide healthful or "good" carbs include whole-grain foods and whole-grain food products  and fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits (not processed juices).
- If highly active, aim for closer to 60 percent.

20 to 35 percent calories from fats
- Aim for mostly healthful, unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
- Foods that provide healthful, unsaturated or "good" fats include oils like canola, olive, grapeseed, and peanut, and include foods naturally high in oils, such as nuts, avocados, and salmon.
- If following a Mediterranean-style eating plan rich in healthful fats, it's okay to aim for closer to 35 percent.

20 to 35 percent calories from proteins
- Aim for mostly plant-based proteins.

- Foods that are healthful choices of proteins include plant-based foods, like beans, soybeans, nuts, and seeds, and include nutrient-rich animal-based foods, such as plain fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt and whole eggs.
- Be sure to get proteins at every meal since the body needs a continual supply.
*A vegan diet based on only plant-based proteins can be healthful when properly planned.

A Healthful Meal Plan
There's no one right meal plan for everyone. It's always best that it be individualized. That's where specialized advice from a registered dietitian (RD) can be especially helpful. (See Seeking RD Advice, page xv.)
But there's a general guide that can be followed as a baseline for balanced meal planning. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides science-based advice on how to eat for health. The guidelines encourage all Americans to eat a healthy diet and be physically active. By improving what you eat and being active, you help reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and, yes, obesity.

When it comes to eating well, the guidelines provide basic "rules of thumb" to remember. Try these three tips:
1. For balancing calories: Enjoy your food, but eat less.  Recipe portions are already adjusted for you, so simply enjoy.
2. For foods to increase: Make half your plate vegetables and fruits. Alternatively, just make half your dish veggies. 
3. For foods to reduce: Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals—and choose the foods with the lowest sodium, for instance. Check out all the recipes with the [S] symbol to help you lighten up on sodium without losing out on enjoyment.
For more details about how to plan a healthful plate, MyPlate was developed. It corresponds directly to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. Check out and for more details.


Fill Up on Fiber
Dietary fiber is the part of plant foods that the body can't digest. Yet it's a vital part of a healthful eating plan. It adds bulk to your diet to help you feel fuller longer, which is a key for managing weight. By boosting high-fiber foods, you'll have less room for high-calorie nutrient-poor (aka "empty-calorie") foods, too. What's more, naturally fibrous foods generally take more time to chew, which may give your body more time to realize that you're satisfied, ultimately preventing you from overeating.
Dietary fiber also plays a key role in the digestion process, can help prevent constipation, and may play a beneficial role in managing blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Most Americans don't consume enough dietary fiber, with averages of only 15 grams per day. For wholesome eating and a fit body, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a daily fiber intake of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. After age 50, daily fiber needs drop to 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men. A simpler tip: the National Fiber Council suggests an average of 32 grams of fiber per day for adults in general. Determine your specific daily fiber recommendation based on your gender and age by using the Fiber Calculator at
The best way to meet dietary fiber needs is by eating a variety of fiber-rich foods, including beans, whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Beans are the best. Keep in mind that it's advisable to boost fiber in your diet slowly since too much too quickly can contribute to gas, bloating, and cramps.

Good Sources of Dietary Fiber

Food: Beans (navy, pinto, black, kidney, white, Great Northern, lima), cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 104–149
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 6.2–9.6

Food: Split peas, lentils, or chickpeas (garbanzo beans), cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 108–134
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 5.6–8.1

Food: Artichoke, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup hearts
Calories in Portion: 45
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 7.2

Food: Pear
Portion: 1 medium
Calories in Portion: 103
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 5.5

Food: Soybeans, mature, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 149
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 5.2

Food: Asian pear
Portion: 1 small
Calories in Portion: 51
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 4.4

Food: Green peas, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 59–67
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.5–4.4

Food: Whole-wheat English muffin
Portion: 1 muffin
Calories in Portion: 134
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 4.4

Food: Bulgur, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 76
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 4.1

Food: Mixed vegetables, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 59
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 4.0

Food: Raspberries
Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 32
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 4.0

Food: Sweet potato, baked in skin
Portion: 1 medium
Calories in Portion: 103
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.8

Food: Blackberries
Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 31
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.8

Food: Soybeans, green, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 127
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.8

Food: Figs, dried
Portion: 1/4 cup
Calories in Portion: 93
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.7

Food: Apple, with skin
Portion: 1 small
Calories in Portion: 77
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.6

Food: Pumpkin, canned
Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 42
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.6

Food: Greens (spinach, collards, turnip greens), cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 14–32
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 2.5–3.5

Food: Almonds
Portion: 1 ounce
Calories in Portion: 163
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.5

Food: Whole wheat spaghetti, cooked Portion: 1/2 cup
Calories in Portion: 87
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.1

Food: Banana
Portion: 1 medium
Calories in Portion: 105
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.1

Food: Orange
Portion: 1 medium
Calories in Portion: 62
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.1

Food: Potato, baked, with skin
Portion: 1 small
Calories in Portion: 128
Dietary Fiber in Portion (G): 3.0
Nutrient Full, Calorie Friendly

When foods are high in nutrients compared to the calories provided, they're considered to be nutrient-rich or nutrient-dense foods. (When especially nutrient rich, they may be called "superfoods.") 
Why are nutrient-rich foods key for you? Eating nutrient-rich foods means you're making your calories count, which is especially important when you're eating fewer calories. You need to pack as much nutrition into the calories you consume to keep your overall meal plan a good-for-you one—and one that provides the best boost for your healthy eating or weight loss goals.

Below are a dozen of your favorite nutrient-rich ingredients:
1. Garlic:

- is one of the simplest ways to boost flavor
- may be beneficial for reducing risk of heart disease
2. Onions:
- provide texture, color, and an occasional touch of sweetness
- may help maintain a healthy immune system and suppress unwanted inflammation
3. Beans:
- impart a wonderful creaminess, especially when pureed into recipes
- provide a sustained energy source with their coupling of plant-based protein and fiber
4. Mushrooms:
- are rich in umami and provide savoriness, "meatiness," and earthiness
- are the only natural food source of bone-friendly vitamin D in the produce aisle
5. Leafy greens:
- add volume, crispness, freshness, color, taste, and more: are a nutritional powerhouse that may help to protect you from heart disease
6. Tomatoes:
- come in many forms and nothing beats their rich redness
- contain lycopene, which is associated with reduced risk of certain cancers
7. Fresh herbs:
- are way more than garnishes and give dishes lovely aroma
- count as veggies; can potentially help you use less salt in cooking
8. Spices:
- offer an easy way to create intrigue and international flair; a pinch adds pow
- have antioxidants; sweet spices can potentially help you use less sugar in baking
9. Avocado:
- has a buttery texture that's unsurpassed
- has heart-healthful fat; may reduce "bad" cholesterol levels
10. Nuts:
- provide crunchiness, richness, and, of course, nuttiness
- may reduce the risk of heart disease without causing weight gain
11. Plain almond milk:
- can be used just like regular milk
- has fewer calories than regular milk
12. Plain fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt:
- makes recipes creamy with distinct tang
- its protein boosts satiety; its active cultures boosts the immune system

What Counts as a Whole Grain?
Whole grains contain all edible parts of the grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refined grains have been processed to remove the outer bran and inner germ—which removes many nutrients, including B vitamins, iron, and dietary fiber. So it's important to focus grain intake on whole grains for whole benefits.
Examples of whole grains include whole-wheat flour, brown rice, and whole-grain corn. Examples of refined grains include white flour, white rice, and degermed cornmeal.
Sometimes there's confusion about what's considered a whole grain. One example is wheat bread. Wheat bread is only made with the whole grain when it says "whole-wheat flour" on the ingredient list. Otherwise it simply means it was made with refined wheat flour—or white flour that simply isn't bleached. So look for the word "whole" often.
There are so many whole grains and whole-grain products available today. Some whole grains are actually ancient grains that have gained newfound popularity. When you do enjoy, aim for no fewer than 3 servings of whole grains a day. A serving—or 1-ounce equivalent—counts as 1⁄2 cup cooked whole grain, such as brown rice or oatmeal, 3 cups popped popcorn, 1 cup whole-grain cereal flakes, or 1 slice whole-grain bread.

Whole Grain Highlights
Amaranth: Creamy, mildly earthy flavor. Tiny seed yet packed with protein. Rich in phytosterols that are beneficial for a healthy heart and immune system.
Brown Rice Light brown, nutty, and chewy grain. Excellent source of manganese, which helps you produce energy from protein and carbohydrates.
Buckwheat: Rich earthy flavor. Despite its name, it's not related to wheat; it's a seed of a fruit. Contains rutin, which acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Bulgur: Steamed, dried, crushed wheat kernels—from fine to coarse. Taste pleasantly nutty, like wheat, since it is wheat. Chewy yet tender and quick cooking.
Farro: Deep nutty flavor and extra chewy. Ancient whole grain that's a member of the wheat family and looks like spelt. Choose it for a satiating protein and fiber boost.
Millet: Tiny and round seed that's as much bird seed as it is people seed. Good source of magnesium, which can be beneficial for healthy bones and blood pressure.
Quinoa: Subtly nutty flavor. A seed that looks similar to sesame seed. A complete source of protein as it containing all essential amino acids. Cooks in 15 minutes.
Oats: Oat groats (steel-cut oats) and rolled oats (old-fashioned oats) provide beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that's beneficial for managing blood sugar and cholesterol.
Spelt: Mild nutty taste and extra chewy. Ancient whole grain that looks like farro. Rich in manganese and ultimately may help to fight free radicals.
Teff: Mildly molasses-like taste. Whole grain from the lovegrass plant group. Super tiny yet super nutritious. Especially notable for its calcium and iron.
Whole-grain barley: Nutty flavor and chewy texture. Loaded with dietary fiber to help maintain a healthy colon. Loaded with selenium, which has cancer preventative properties.
Whole-grain corn: Whole grain grown as "ears." Various colors, not just yellow. Yellow corn provides high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health.
Whole-wheat: Found in many foods. Can play key role in weight loss as it provides insoluble fiber, which provides bulk. High in gluten, which is why it works well in making bread.

Why Eat Nutritiously?: Reasons why you want to eat well may differ from someone else's reasons. Some people may want to lose weight to look better. Others may want to feel better. And yet others may need to eat right for management of a health condition.
However, for those who need extra motivation to stick to a nutritious eating plan for weight loss, here's info about obesity that is useful to know:
When obese, it means that you have so much body fat that it has a negative effect on your health, placing you at higher risk of developing several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), some cancers, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. You also have a greater risk of dying younger than a non-obese person.
Yes, it is serious. So take a minute to digest.

And when eating right, always remember this: While keeping it nutritious, make sure it's delicious. So start eating better today . . . there's no time like the present.

Healthy Weight Tips
Everyone has a personal calorie limit. Staying within the right calorie level for you can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight. Seek the advice of a registered dietitian (RD) to identify the specific calorie level and eating plan best for you. (See Seeking RD Advice, page xv.) You can also go to to find your daily calorie limit.
Or, try this tip. For losing weight, your easiest rule of thumb is to add a 0 to your weight (in pounds) and use that as a guideline (if you're moderately active). So if you weigh 160 pounds, then aim to eat 1,600 calories for an eating plan for weight loss. Going too far below that number may result in a greater loss of lean muscle tissue (muscle helps you burn calories!), it may not be sustainable, and it may not allow you to meet your overall nutritional needs. If you're focused on maintaining instead of losing weight, add about 400 to 500 calories per day to the "weight + 0" rule of thumb. Also, keep in mind, the more active you are, the more calories you'll need—even when losing weight. So the daily calorie level you follow will actually vary based on activity. 

One caveat: Be sure to not consume less than 1,000 calories daily—even if you're small-framed and say 90 pounds; it's important to assure basic nutrient needs are met.

A Note about Sodium
The daily recommendations for most people is 2,300mg sodium per day. 

Keys to Weight-Management Success
Even if you know what to eat and how many calories to eat, weight management still provides many, many challenges. But knowing some of the keys to success—especially from people who have lost weight and kept it off—will help give you a greater chance at long-term weight management.

Habits of Highly Successful Losers of Weight
In addition to modifying food intake in some way to lose weight, being a successful loser (which also means keeping lost weight off), based on the majority of participants' habits within The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), includes:
- Eating breakfast daily
- Weighing themselves at least once weekly
- Watching less than 10 hours of television weekly
- Exercising (especially walking), on average, about 1 hour daily (Hint: It can be broken up into increments, like 20 minutes three times daily.)

Three Rules to Remember
What about what goes onto your plate? There seems to be a new study every day touted by the media about what to eat for weight loss. Some of it gets downright confusing, especially when what was supposedly "good" yesterday is "bad" today, and vice versa. But filtering through all of the research, there are some common denominators that you can rely on to help you beat the battle of the bulge. Here are three rules to remember—and put into practice:
1. Don't eat too much. Steer clear of portion distortion. Aim for just-right-size portions.
2. Don't eat too often. Have a plan of a snack, don't just give in to any snack attack.
3. Do eat nutrient-rich foods. That means vegetables, fruits, whole grains, yogurt, and nuts.

Seeking RD Advice
While the Dietary Guidelines can help to provide a framework for a balanced eating plan, you may need to follow a more specialized diet for weight loss or for other health reasons. This is where a registered dietitian (RD) can play a key role as a vital member of your health team. A dietitian can design an individualized meal plan to meet your specific needs—weight-wise, health-wise, taste-wise, lifestyle-wise, and otherwise. If you prefer to follow a popular diet, an RD can also help you appropriately utilize it and make it uniquely fit you. Popular diet approaches that are based on solid nutrition principles include the Mediterranean Diet (I'm a big fan of it!), the Dash Diet, and Weight Watchers. 

Counting Sheep
Besides eating right and moving around often, is there anything else that can help with weight loss efforts? Possibly! According to recent research, getting restful sleep may help. So count your sheep and aim for getting Zs 6 to 8 hours a night.

Diet Dos and Don'ts with low-calorie cooking:

- Think before you take a bite. Count to three before you take your first bite. If you didn't plan for it, ask yourself this while counting: "Is this worth the calories?"
- Slow down. Enjoy every morsel of your healthful, high-flavor, homemade dishes. Faster eating seems to translate to greater weight. So savor flavors and focus only on your food when eating. One study finds that cutting up food into smaller pieces may lead to more satisfaction than eating one large piece. Another study even suggests that chewing each bite of food 40 times may be a key to eating less. That's a lot of savoring . . . but it may work for you!
- Don't let the clock tell you when to eat. Listen to your internal hunger cues. Follow this approach: Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied, not full. Also, consider using your 3 Hs: hungry, happy, or hurting. You should be hungry before you're satisfied; you're happy when you're satisfied (satiated); and you're hurting when you've eaten too much. The goal is to feel hunger and reach a happy place, while you avoid hurting as a result of overeating.
- Think "new plate special." Choose new, smaller plates when starting on your new and nutritious eating plan. Consider using a salad-size or a more petite-size dinner plate as your dish of choice (no more than 10 inches). When you pull out the "special" plate for each meal, it'll be a reminder of your better-for-you diet.
- Don't be matchy-matchy. Plate color can be key. The higher the contrast of the food you're eating to the color of the plate, the more likely it is that you'll eat less. So, basically, if your food is red, serve it on a white plate, not a red plate.
- Have a game plan. Lay out your own plan to win at weight loss. Store the plan in your hand-held device or use a mobile app. And be sure you have the foods on hand for your plan.
- Keep a count. Track what you're eating and drinking at mealtime—and everything in between. When you see what you're consuming, it can help you consume less.
- Do the math. Check calories on food labels. And compare the serving size listed to the actual amount you'll consume. If you eat double the servings, you get double the calories. Simple, but effective.
- Eat "see" food. Have good-for-you eats, like fresh seasonal produce, on hand for snack attacks. Place in plain sight so you'll reach for it instead of not-so-good treats. Research suggests that keeping unhealthful food out of sight may be a key to keeping your appetite in check.
- Don't say never. If you say you'll never eat something, it sets you up for problems when you actually do eat it. Rather, incorporate appropriate amounts of favorites into your fit eating plan from the get-go. Hint: If you want to eat a sweet, plan for it immediately after a workout or a walk where it'll do double-duty—please your palate and refuel your muscles.
- Eat breakfast—even if you don't have time. It helps rev up your metabolism for the day. You don't have to stick with "breakfast" food. How about a leftover veggie pizza slice? It takes only 30 seconds to reheat it in the microwave. Or top it with a poached egg and you've got a breakfast to boast about.
- Use utensils anyway. Even if it's something that you can pick up (think burger or burrito), use a fork and knife. You can then savor it slowly instead of gobbling it up mindlessly. You'll potentially be eating less while gaining satisfaction.
- Eat before you eat. If you're headed to a fabulous dinner or festive food gathering where there will be an abundance of food, enjoy a piece of fruit or a small handful of nuts right before you go. Think mini-snack. It'll keep your appetite in check—and ultimately help you consume fewer overall calories.
- Don't stop at skim. Switch from whole to 2 percent to 1 percent to skim (fat-free) milk. Then switch from skim milk to plain almond milk, unsweetened coconut milk beverage, light soy milk, or unsweetened sunflower beverage, at least from time to time. They tend to average around 50 calories a cup.
- Try look-alikes. Don't go fake. But do go for the fake-out on occasion. Try savory spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti. Enjoy summery strings of zucchini instead of linguine. Sink your teeth into a bodacious grilled portabella cap instead of a grilled burger.
- See shells. You're likely to eat fewer nuts—and fewer calories—by choosing a snack-size portion of in-shell nuts, such as pistachios, instead of those already shelled. The visual cue provided by the empty shells, along with the extra time to shell the nuts, can help you realize you're satisfied.
- Be boring, if necessary. Not in terms of flavor, but in terms of how many different recipes or dishes you try to eat or prepare. Sometimes the exciting array of too many dishes can cause the appetite to go into overdrive. So it's okay to stick to a handful of recipes for a period of time and repeat or vary them, at least to get you on the right track. But boring and bland don't go hand in hand.
- (For ladies only!) Party in style. These are shared a bit tongue in cheek but what you wear can impact how you eat. Think about wearing slimming shapewear and lip gloss! Shapewear, like Spanx, not only makes you appear slimmer, it's rather tight. That'll help keep you from overeating. Your glossy lips will keep you from eating anything crumbly that can stick to your lips. But it'll also remind you to keep kissable-ready.
What does the trick for one person doesn't always work perfectly for all. So if you find that one of these tips isn't working that well for you, choose another. you have no doubt you'll find that several of these strategies will boost your own efforts at successful weight management.

Are Low-Carb Approaches Healthful?
For calorie reduction, eating plans that slightly reduce total carbs or suggest elimination of only refined carbohydrates, such as white rice and white bread, can be a good thing, especially if you're an over-avid carbohydrate consumer. I'd consider that to be a carb-friendly approach. However, approaches that come in and out of style that are considered either low-carbohydrate diets or high-protein diets, like the Dukan Diet or the original Atkins Diet, are not a good thing. Just because something is trendy and you hear a lot about it, that doesn't make it a beneficial approach to weight management. Low-carb diets may help you lose weight in the short run, mainly due to a low calorie level, but they're not ideal for weight management in the long run. A diet that is a temporary fix or that doesn't enable you to obtain all important nutrients through foods is never a healthful approach to good health. (A vitamin-mineral supplement does not replace the hundreds and hundreds of nutrients found naturally within plant foods, by the way.) And any diet plan that suggests you avoid healthful foods, like fruits or other plant foods, at any point, is not one that should be followed; it may ultimately have health-harming effects.

Stocking the Low-Calorie Kitchen

Top Equipment Essentials
There are gadgets Use on a regular basis which make your calorie-conscious cooking efforts simpler, more satisfying, and more successful. Consider stocking your kitchen with these helpful tools.
High-quality chef's knife. Make sure your knife feels good as you hold it—and you're comfortable with the size. 
Nonstick or stick-resistant pans. Choose at least one large sauté pan or skillet and one stockpot. They brown well without sticking and without the need to add excess fat, which helps to keep calories in check. A nonstick pan isn't always required; but it's ideal for most recipes when significantly less oil or other fat is used in the cooking process. Look for PFOA-free nonstick pans, which don't contain the potentially harmful chemicals of the old Teflon-coated nonstick pans.
Cast iron grill pan. This pan cooks evenly and retains significant heat for incredible grill marks—indoors, all year round. Plus, the food is elevated on ribs, so extra grease collects between them for better lower-calorie cooking.
Panini grill. No added fat calories are required when grilling—or panini-grilling. Grease drips away from food rather than sitting in it, too. A panini press evenly grills and toasts quickly since you're cooking both sides of the food at once. The cooking plates of the press adjust to the height of the food and the grill works especially well for quickly browning sandwiches, chicken, or fish. Browning means more taste without more calories.
12-cup capacity food processor. There's no other single piece of equipment that can chop, grate, and puree—and do it all well. 
5-cup capacity blender. It'll crush ice, blend smoothies, and puree soups and sauces until perfectly smooth, creating a rich texture. It works better than a food processor for liquid ingredients, too. you find the skinnier the container, the quicker and creamier the result. And that creamy consistency lends mouth-feel and enjoyment to low-cal cuisine. Choose a blender that has a clear container so you can see how well your food is being blended.
Immersion blender. This handheld blender is an easy-to-use and convenient choice over a tall food and beverage blender, and ideal for blending hot ingredients. It purees soups and sauces into velvety, creamy concoctions (without heavy cream) in seconds—right in the pots or pans in which they're cooked. And no heavy cream means significantly fewer calories!
Hint: Let friends and family help build your culinary tool collection. It will benefit them, too! Add the essentials that you don't already have to your birthday, holiday, or other gift wish lists. Consider using an online universal gift registry.
Silicone utensils. Silicone or silicone-coated cooking utensils are versatile and can be used with very high heat without worry. Additionally, they easily scrape up food that sticks (without scraping the pan), which occasionally happens when using leaner foods or less added fat in cooking. What's more a silicone pastry brush is fabulous. Using it rather than a bristle brush ("mop") will help you more lightly baste or brush oil, melted butter, or sauces onto foods before toasting, oven-browning, or grilling, rather than mopping them on. Ideally, choose three sizes: short pastry brush, medium basting brush, and long barbecue brush.
Grater/zester. You'll love this tool for finely grating ingredients that add so much flavor appeal to healthful dishes, including citrus peels (for zest), fresh gingerroot, nutmeg, and Parmesan, Romano, or other hard cheeses. A little goes a long way.
Coffee grinder. Actually, you recommend this not for grinding coffee beans, but for grinding spices. Buy whole spices, pan-toast until aromatic, then grind. You'll get the most flavor and fragrance from spices—and make low-cal cuisine that much tastier. Consider grinding nuts, seeds, or whole grains in a coffee grinder, too.
Reamer. The quickest and easiest way to juice a citrus fruit is by using a reamer. And when you only need to extract a small amount, it's the absolute best way. Lemon and lime juices are an essential ingredient in so many healthful recipes. That makes this tool a definite must.
Cooking oil spray bottle. Instead of using a commercial oil spray can with propellants, choose a spray bottle and fill with your heart-healthful oil of choice—especially one that best fits with the flavor profile of the recipe, such as extra-virgin olive oil for Italian dishes.

Homemade Cooking Spray
Filla spray bottle with your cooking oil of choice. You'll be able to spritz the oil onto foods to help them brown whether prepared on the stovetop or in the oven—with a little rather than a lot of oil. you prefer the Misto oil bottle sprayer.

The Portion-Pleasing Pantry
Take this checklist over to your pantry. Check to be sure you have these staples on hand. 

They help make good-for-you cooking and baking—and preparing the properly portioned recipes—a breeze. 
These are foods that you recommend to help maintain or lose weight but also be your healthiest. That's why you don't see refined sugar and flour and other common pantry items. If you don't have all the ingredients below, try adding a few at a time from this collection so you can introduce variety and intriguing flavors to your everyday cooking:
- Sea salt
- Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, cumin seeds, cayenne, dried hot pepper flakes, and black peppercorns
- Dried herbs: oregano, rosemary, and sage
- Vinegars: brown rice, apple cider, red wine, aged balsamic, and white balsamic
- Oils: extra-virgin olive, unrefined peanut, canola, toasted sesame, and grapeseed
- Low-sodium broths: vegetable and chicken
- Pure extracts: vanilla, almond, peppermint, chocolate, and coconut
- Honey or agave nectar
- Flours: whole-wheat, whole-wheat pastry, and whole oat
- Garlic, onions (various), and shallots
- Whole grains: brown basmati rice, long- and short-grain brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat, and farro
- Tomato products: fresh tomatoes (especially cherry or grape tomatoes), sun-dried tomatoes, and canned tomato products, including tomato paste
- No-salt-added canned beans
- Pastas: whole-wheat couscous, whole-wheat orzo, and whole-grain spaghetti
- Nuts and seed: pistachios, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds
- Nut butters: natural peanut and almond
- Avocados
- Dried fruits: prunes (dried plums), black seedless raisins, figs, tart cherries, cranberries, and unsulfured apricots
- Hot pepper sauce
- Naturally brewed soy sauce
- Tea bags or loose tea
And don't forget the parchment paper and aluminum foil. Try to always use parchment paper that's unbleached and aluminum foil that's recycled for environmental friendliness.

The Friendly Fridge & Freezer
Be sure to keep most of these foods and ingredients at-the-ready to be able to whip up a healthful, calorie-friendly dish whenever you wish:

- Colorful array of fresh seasonal vegetables, including mushrooms and leafy greens
- Colorful array of fresh seasonal fruit, including melons and mangoes
- Lemons and limes or bottled 100 percent fresh lemon or lime juice
- Real fruit spreads/jams
- No-sugar-added apple butter
- No-sugar-added applesauce
- Mustards
- Eggs
- Fat-free or low-fat plain Greek yogurt
- Fresh gingerroot
- Jalapeño peppers
- Pickled ingredients, including hot peppers
- Parmigiano-Reggiano and/or Pecorino Romano cheese
- Plain almond milk or other plant-based milk

- Farm fresh chicken breasts and thighs
- Flash-frozen vegetables, including edamame and peas
- Flash-frozen fruits, including berries and cherries
- Frozen whole-grain breads

Calorie-Friendly Cooking Tips & Techniques
There's no need to slim down the taste of your food to keep your meals fit. Try this advice for good-for-you cooking that's big on taste, not calories. Focus on one new tip or technique at a time and before you know it, you'll be preparing calorie-conscious cuisine to please . . . with ease.

21 Flavor-Boosting, Calorie-Reducing Hints
Plan to incorporate these tasty concepts, in any order you wish, by using recipes as well as your own dishes and drinks.

1. Turn up the volume with seasonal veggies. When in season, vegetables are at their peak of ripeness, nutritional value, color, and flavor. If you're going to fall in veggie love, this is when it will happen. Go bigger and bolder often—veggies are one food category that most people need to boost. Luckily, they're naturally low in calories.
Hint: Move veggie side dishes to the center of plate. Sometimes it's about presentation. Consider stacking veggies for eye appeal and entrée appeal. Check out Grilled Eggplant Stack with Feta and Fresh Basil ; it's one way that a usual side dish—eggplant—transforms into an entrée stunner.

2. TRY SWAPPING. This is replacing some or all of a more fattening ingredient in a recipe with a healthier one. For example, you can replace some of the meat with mushrooms. It will reduce calories without compromising flavor, texture, moistness, or satisfaction. The swap can be small to start with—and can be increased in increments. The more mushrooms, the better, of course.
Hint: One simple way to savor mushroom "swapability" is in burgers. For instance, you can replace a quarter of the ground beef in a burger with sautéed finely chopped mushrooms. The next time, consider swapping half. This technique fully realized can be found in savory "Swedish" Meatballs  and Breakfast Turkey Links . Or go for a total swap, like in Philly Cheesesteak-less.

3. Favor the sweetness of fruits. Think outside the fruit bowl. There's so much more culinary exploration that can be done with seasonal and naturally sweet produce, such as using fruit as the main ingredient of a sundae or serving a fruit soup. 
Fruits, fruit butters, and jams can provide sweetness along with rich nutrition in place of added sugars, too.
Hint: Enjoy a spiced fruit salsa or chutney in place of gravy or über-rich sauces, as you'll find in Grilled Curry Portobella "Steak" with Mango Chutney.

4. Don't fear salt! A little pinch of salt can bring out full flavors. That's especially important for healthful dishes—to keep desiring those healthful dishes. Use less if you like, but please don't eliminate it. It truly makes food taste better. Use a salt that you enjoy the taste of. Choose sea salt over regular iodized table salt. Have fleur de sel on hand, too; it's the loveliest of the sea salts.
Hint: A pinch of sea salt can steal the show and highlight flavors in both savory and sweet foods. See how it's a star in savory foods, like Salt and Pepper Asparagus  and sweet foods, like Fleur de Sel Brownie Rounds.

5. Befriend herbs. Nutritious cuisine would be boring and bland without salt. But too much sodium can be problematic, especially for people with heart-health concerns. That's where a liberal use of herbs can play a helpful, healthful role. They add flavor intrigue, freshness, and aroma. Grow your own fresh herbs—indoors all-year-round on your windowsill. Stick to fresh herbs for most dishes; use dried herbs for recipes with lengthy cooking times, such as stews, or if you prefer.
Hint: Don't just go for the grains; go for whole grains mixed robustly with fresh herbs, such as a farro, quinoa, or bulgur salad. The Blood Orange Bulgur Mint Salad  is an example of this fresh, flavorful approach.

6. Be a spice fan. Spices add flavor pizzazz to plain foods and create aromatic intrigue to fit fare. Buy whole spices when possible; toast and grind them (use a coffee grinder or peppermill) for full release of flavor, as with cumin seeds. Use spices to add an inviting color accent to dishes, too. Turmeric adds rich yellow color and an earthiness that boosts flavor like no other! Add a pinch or two of one new spice at a time—from savories to sweets.
Hint: Add new life, even international intrigue, to cuisine just by swapping spices, such as using pumpkin pie spice or Chinese five-spice powder instead of cinnamon. Or simply add spice, period. Try Five-Spice Yam Frites  or Pumpkin Spice Coffee  and become a fan.

7. Pump up the "pleasurable pain." 
To create the effect of more taste depth, bring on the "heat" with a few drops of hot pepper sauce, a touch of curry paste, or a dash of cayenne pepper or wasabi powder to soups, sauces, dips, mixed dishes, and more—even desserts. A bonus: hot peppers contain an ingredient called capsaicin, which may provide a slight metabolism boost.
Hint: Instead of an oil-soaked tomato bruschetta topping, use a little less oil and a little more spice. A touch of Thai red curry paste adds real global flair, such as in Red Curry Tomato Bruschetta.

8. Create cuisine drama and whimsy. In addition to our sense of smell and taste, we do eat with our eyes. How you present a food or drink may seem to actually make it taste better. The more eye appealing, the more enticing a good-for-you recipe will be. So toss out the rule book and play with your food a little. Layer ingredients or deconstruct a dish. If it fits on a stick, stick it! Present in festive serving ware. Be artful and use your imagination. Let your surroundings inspire you.
Hint: Instead of arranging or tossing together a salad or side, layer it artfully for impressive effect, as in the spectacular Caprese Salad "Lasagna" . Or for family-friendly flair, blend fresh herbs into your food to make it unexpectedly green, as is deliciously done in "Green" Eggs and Ham.

9. Be a little nutty (or seedy). Nuts and seeds provide rich taste, memorable texture, eye appeal, and excellent nutrition. Their protein and fiber can help you feel full longer. There are endless ways to incorporate their various satisfying forms into or onto cuisine. Enjoy them roasted or toasted for deeper flavor in every bite. Remember nut and seed butters, too.
Hint: Make savory or sweet foods appear richer by sprinkling nuts onto dishes instead of mixing them in when you can. Pick pistachios for their lively green accent, like for Rainforest Chocolate Muffins , which actually provides a "rainforest" appearance.

10. One up the flavor ante. When in doubt, pick the higher flavor item. If it's a calorie-dense item, you can use less of it for the same full flavors—and potentially heightened flavor. In some cases, going for the richer looking item, especially produce, may equate to more nutritional richness. When it works, pick sharp cheeses over mild cheeses. Plus, selectively choose naturally flavored ingredients, like truffle cheese and rosemary sea salt.
Hint: Go for groovier grains. Instead of typical white spaghetti, consider one of the many whole-grain pastas on the market today. Try whole-grain spinach spaghetti in Spaghetti a Cacio e Pepe . Or go for a black rice and truffle goat cheese instead of a refined grain and regular goat cheese, like in the divine Creamy Truffled Black Rice.

11. Savor creaminess without the cream. There are good-for-you ways to create the mouth-feel of creaminess. Whirl or puree Greek yogurt, beans, tahini, silken tofu, banana, mangoes, avocado, or potatoes into soups, sauces, spreads, smoothies, and beyond. Greek yogurt creates tangy lusciousness in creamy salads, scrambled eggs, risottos, and fluffy frostings. No-salt-added white beans boost satiety while providing velvety texture when pureed into foods, and can marry so well with other flavors since they're so mild.
Hint: Create an intriguing creamy pasta sauce with the combination of pureed white beans, vegetable broth, and heavy cream instead of straight heavy cream, as in your inspired "Alfredo" Sauce . Or use pureed black beans as a clever creaming and binding agent in chocolaty baked goods, as Fudgy Superfood Brownies.

12. Color your plate happy. Vibrant naturally occurring colors make foods seem richer. They can turn a traditional food into a tantalizing dish. For instance, try blue or purple potatoes or red quinoa instead of lighter versions at least some of the time. Look for some unusual color sources, like pickled turnip—it's fuchsia from beet juice! And consider creating color by incorporating various hued vegetables into otherwise bland-colored foods.
Hint: Opt for more colorful vegetable varieties to add interest. Pick purple produce whenever possible, as in Soft Scrambled Eggs with Purple Potato and Chives , Purple Potato Pancakes , and Asian Angel Hair with "Confetti".

13. Drink and cook with tea. Tea contains flavonoids, naturally occurring compounds with health promoting antioxidant properties. It's virtually calorie-free, too—naturally. Though tea—black, green, or white, iced or hot—makes an ideal, economical, and delightful beverage, you don't always have to drink it; you can cook with it. Use it as a uniquely appealing poaching or simmering liquid. Or try in place of some oil. By the way, there is some research that suggests green tea contains plant nutrients called catechins which may promote weight loss.
Hint: Poach poultry in unsweetened tea to add flavor panache to a salad recipe, as Turkey and Fig Salad on Toasted Muffin . Or use it to replace some of the oil in a salad dressing, as in Seckel Pear and Green Tea Vinaigrette.

14. Balance with acid. If you don't enjoy the bitterness of dark leafy greens or other "superfood" veggies, add a sassy splash of acid, like lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. It helps balance the bitters to boost taste appeal. Also, acid can provide a tangy boost of moistness for sautéing in place of adding extra butter or oil, as when sautéing shallots or onions.
Hint: Pair acid as you might pair wines to food. Pair a rich vinegar, like aged balsamic, with dark vegetables, like Brussels sprouts, (purple-red) beets, or leafy greens. See it work its magic on a bed of Balsamic Wilted Spinach.

15. Up the umami. Umami is the fifth sense of taste, imparting savoriness to cuisine. When you can, embrace ingredients that boast high amounts of umami along with low calories, like fully ripened tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms, naturally brewed soy sauce, and green tea. Be sure your tomatoes are fully ripened. That means don't refrigerate them! When it makes flavor and technique-sense in a recipe, add a splash of naturally brewed soy sauce instead of adding salt; you'll basically be getting umami with your "salt."
Hint: Mushrooms are "meaty," versatile, nutrient rich, and aromatic. So give them a starring role and enjoy in place of meat, as in Smoky Portabella and Cheese Burger.

16. Reduce to enhance. The technique of reduction—simmering to thicken a liquid—is meant to concentrate flavors and consistency. It's an ideal way to enrich flavors without increasing calories for stews, sauces, and more.
Hint: Instead of relying on added sugar, use 100% real fruit juice to provide sweetness to a sauce; reduce it to concentrate the flavor and consistency, as in Cherry Balsamic Peppercorn Sauce.

17. Let bread be your friend. When based on whole grains, bread is a friendly part of a healthful diet. 
To cut away excess calories, think thin when buying any form of bread. Use tortillas or wraps as a bread of choice often. When you prefer traditional sliced bread, buy it in loaf form, then cut into thin slices so the focus can be on the sandwich contents instead of the bread.
Hint: Think thin most of the time for pizza crusts, not just bread-based sandwiches. Consider a tortilla or lavash as a pizza crust, which becomes crisp, fast—and provides significantly fewer calories than a deep doughy crust. Check out the crusts on Roasted Cauliflower Pizza.

18. Do drizzle with healthful oil. Dietary fats are a good thing when they're mostly unsaturated. They add flavor and overall appeal, and help us better absorb key nutrients. When it works well with a recipe's ingredients or instructions, aim for extra-virgin olive oil, unrefined peanut oil, or other high-flavored oils. Sometimes just a drizzle or a spritz is all you need to pump up flavor. Use the best oil for the function, such as canola or grapeseed oil when sautéing onion at high heat or when you don't want the flavor to overpower mild-tasting dishes.
Hint: Add a waft of wow with truffle oil—a little drizzle goes a long way, as in Mashed Purple Potatoes  or Grilled Steak Pizza.

19. Think aroma. The majority of flavor appeal begins with aroma. When food is full flavored and high calorie, the scent will allow you to be satisfied with smaller portions. When it's full flavored and low calorie, the scent will enhance your lean eating experience. So give food the sniff test. Keep these key terms in mind: stinky, strong, sharp, and smoky. Robiola is stinky; fresh ginger is strong; citrus is sharp; and smoked Gouda is smoky. Also, where it's an option, serve food at room temperature; generally the warmer the temperature, the more aroma.
Hint: Opt for smokiness; it adds no calories, just taste. So grill out. Or choose naturally smoked cheese or smoked turkey or tofu instead of their plain counterparts. Also consider a pinch of hickory-smoked sea salt. Try this double dose of smoky sensation: Smoky Mozzarella Grilled Portabellas.

20. Add a drop of excitement with extracts. Think flavor excitement way beyond vanilla. Pure extracts are ideal for use in baking. But they're not just for use in baked goods anymore. Extracts are available in so many flavors, including orange, lemon, coconut, almond, coffee, and chocolate. Befriend all the flavors and be sure they're pure. When cutting down on fat, sugar, or salt in a cuisine, extracts provide zero calories and can play a key flavor-boosting role.
Hint: For bonus nuttiness without using extra nuts, a couple drops of pure almond extract into a batter is delightful, such as in Double Squash Bread.

21. Use the real thing. Even when rich, it's usually better to stick with the real ingredient than opt for an inferior or "fake" fat-free substitute. For instance, mayonnaise is divine—and rich in healthful fats. Simply use just a smear of it. Or try one of your "Mayos" for added meal appeal. This philosophy applies to other rich ingredients. For instance, if you want bacon or pepperoni without all the calories, don't go for "fake" bacon or pseudo-pepperoni; consider a focused, mindful use of the real thing—or use sun-dried tomatoes instead.
Hint: Try your "4-3-2-1 rule" for the perkiest potato salad dressing for two pounds of potatoes: 4 tablespoons real mayo; 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard; 2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt; and 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar. This "rule" is used in Dijon Fingerling Potato Salad.

Low-Calorie Eating Outside Your Kitchen
Eating healthfully is a way of life. That includes when you're away from home. It's important and very doable to make nutrient-rich, low-calorie choices when eating in restaurants, at the homes of family and friends, and when traveling. Here are a few key tips for you to keep in mind:
- Bring better-for-you bites. Don't get stuck without something nutritious to snack on, like Nature Trail Mix . It'll help ensure you don't need to head to the nearest fast-food drive-thru, find a vending machine full of overly processed "junk" food, or otherwise reach for not-so-good-for-you eats.
- Always begin with breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day when following a healthful eating plan—wherever you are. Even if you're short on time, fruit and yogurt work fine.
- Plan meals into your itinerary. A happy tourist is a nourished tourist. So check restaurant menus online or in advance and include nutritious meal choices along with other travel sites to see and things to do.
- Order wisely. Check for notations of healthful or calorie-friendly dishes on a menu. Or order from a lunch or "kids" menu instead of a dinner menu. Request steamed veggies instead of any fried side. And remember, it's okay to share or take home leftovers.
- Include activity around your dining decisions. That can simply mean walking to and from a restaurant. It's enjoyable and can help with digestion, too.

10 "Clean" Cuisine Approaches
A low-calorie diet and healthy way of eating require thoughtful choices. Once you're actively thinking about the foods you cook and put in your body, you may also be interested in considering the environmental impact of producing and distributing food and how in turn that affects what you eat. Whenever possible you try to be eco-conscious when cooking.  The foods you choose, how you store them, and how you prepare them matter. Following a low-calorie and an "ecotarian" eating plan can go hand in hand.  Eating green—or "clean"—can mean eating more seasonal produce, more plant foods in general, and plenty of fresh, unprocessed ingredients when it's affordable, available, and convenient for you to do. Eating this way is something that you can feel good about—now and later.
Implement these tips to go "clean" in your green kitchen—or to go green in your clean kitchen—whenever you can.

1. Get real! Aim to keep foods as fresh, whole, and "natural" or minimally processed as possible. If you're choosing foods that come with labels, read the ingredient list and pick those with ingredients that sound like something you'd find in a recipe, not a strange science experiment. Steer clear of the word "artificial," period. Don't worry about the ingredient list length; it's most important to focus on what the ingredients are rather than on how many there are. And when it comes to meat and poultry, the USDA has a specific definition of "natural" to help you out:
"A product containing no artificial ingredient or added color and is only minimally processed." "Minimal processing" means that the product was processed in a manner that does not fundamentally alter the product. The label must include a statement explaining the meaning of the term "natural" (such as "no artificial ingredients, minimally processed").

2.Choose locally when logical. 
To get foods to your table, shippers use fossil fuels
, contributing to global climate change. When fresh food, namely produce, doesn't need to travel as far, there's a good chance it'll be fresher and therefore potentially more nutritious. Plus, when produce is local (or from your own garden!), that means it's picked closer to the stage of ripeness than if it were to travel a distance. So hit your local farmers market, choose a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, or focus just on a couple items. Do keep in mind that not all produce grows locally to you. So balance local picks with the best of the rest.

3. Go organic, if possible. If you do have the option and the budget to go organic, make this choice when you can. It's an investment in your health—and the health of the planet. In many cases, it can be better for you overall. It means fewer pesticides and other possibly toxic chemicals end up in the food that you eat—and in the environment. It basically means an animal was given organic feed and not given hormones or antibiotics. In terms of produce, it means that farmers are rotating their crops, protecting sources of water, and not using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or bioengineering. In simpler terms, organic produce is grown in nutrient-rich soil that isn't weighted down by pesticides. Do take the initiative and go organic if you can for at least a selection of the ingredients. A good place to start is by choosing organic meat. That's on your "always" organic list. Finally, remember this: We are what we eat, and animals are what they eat, and plants are what they eat!

4. Eat plants. Switching to veggies in place of meat just one day a week can make a significant, beneficial impact on the environment. The more you make the switch, the more significant the impact. Eating more veggies can translate to better success at weight management and provide a health-promoting boost, too. So consider preparing plant-based meals most often. 

5. Know the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. When something can be simplified to make the process of eating healthier easier, I'm a fan. So I'm a fan of the Environmental Working Group's rankings of fresh produce based on pesticide residue levels. The fruits and vegetables on the Dirty Dozen are highest in pesticides; those on the Clean 15 are lowest in pesticides.
- Dirty Dozen: apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines (imported), grapes (imported), sweet bell peppers, potatoes, blueberries (domestic), lettuce, and kale/collard greens.
- Clean 15: onions, sweet corn, pineapples, avocado, asparagus, sweet peas, mangoes, eggplant, cantaloupe (domestic), kiwi, cabbage, watermelon, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, and mushrooms.
This list is especially helpful if you can only afford to go organic for a few produce items. But remember this: The health and weight-management benefits associated with eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits outweigh the risk of pesticide exposure. So eat fruits and veggies, period.

6. Select sustainably raised meat, poultry, and fish. If you include fish, poultry, or meat in your meal plan, enjoy "clean" options.
- Meat production is resource intensive
, so consider these eco-conscientious strategies when savoring it. First, choose organic meat when possible. Look for "grass-fed," too. When you can, purchase from local farmers—look for them at your farmers' market. And keep it petite—or "green size" it. That obviously keeps calories lower, too.
- Poultry is as an eco-friendlier option to red meats. However, it's still eco-friendliest to choose chicken, turkey, and eggs labeled "100 percent organic." Note that hormones aren't used in U.S. poultry (or pork) production.
- Fish has health benefits, including heart-healthful attributes provided by omega-3s. Unfortunately, there are ecological issues that go along with enjoying seafood. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury both raise significant health concerns. Plus, there's currently an overfishing situation in many of the world's waters. Look for Marine Stewardship Council certification to help pinpoint what's not being overfished. Check the Super Green List produced by the Monterey Bay Aquarium 
Seafood Watch: It's a list of seafood that's good for your health and doesn't harm the oceans.

7. Be cautious of BPA. BPA is a chemical; its full name is bisphenol A. Some scientists suggest that it may disrupt regular hormone activity in the body. One place it can be found is in the lining of the canned foods that you eat. So be sure to choose BPA-free-lined cans whenever possible.

8. Make leftovers lovable. First, some foods taste better the day after they're made. Second, using leftovers saves money! And third, it's eco-friendly. Using next-day eats is a "green" approach to help prevent food waste—and to prevent excess food from winding up in our landfills. Food waste in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere as it decomposes. Each year, American food waste represents the energy equivalent of 350 million barrels of oil, according to a study published in Environmental Science and Technology. It's estimated that at least 25 percent of food is wasted yearly! So get creative in your kitchen and whip up dishes with whatever may be left.

9. Try out green cooking techniques. Try these eco-cooking options:
- Hyperbaking. Place foods, like cookies, into a nonpreheated oven, then turn on the heat and bake most of the way, then turn off the heat and continue to bake until done. This may take a couple tries for success. Or try this "cheaters" version: bake as instructed and simply turn off the oven 5 minutes ahead of schedule, keeping oven closed until done.
- Lid cooking. Finish simmering or boiling a food on the stovetop by covering it tightly and "cooking" with just trapped heat. For instance, to lid cook whole-grain pasta, bring water to a boil, stir in pasta, bring back to a boil, put the lid on, and turn off the heat. (Note: Remove from burner if using an electric stove.) Let lid cook (cook covered without heat) for the exact time suggested on the package—or 1 minute less. It works perfectly with pasta.

10. Pick PFOA-free pans. PFOA, or perfluoro-octanoic acid, is a chemical that has been used in the past in manufacturing Teflon. (Don't worry if you can't pronounce the full name; you can't either!) Unfortunately, it's likely to be a carcinogen, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, nonstick skillets are very helpful for preparing lower calorie cuisine as they help you use less excess fat. The solution: prepare in PFOA-free nonstick skillets. If you don't already have these skillets, try these other stick-resistant skillets in the meantime: hard anodized aluminum, ceramic enamel, or well-seasoned cast iron cookware.

What Is an Ecotarian?
An ecotarian is someone who eats a plant-based diet and chooses foods with environmental friendliness in mind. They may or may not eat small amounts of organic or sustainably raised animal products.

Healthful, Flavorful Makeovers
Taking a decadent high-calorie recipe, and then making a few substitutions to create a low-calorie recipe can turn into a total disaster—negatively affecting a recipe's taste, texture, appearance, or all of the above. Some changes may add preservatives and other not-so-real ingredients that your body clearly doesn't need. On the other hand, some adjustments can result in a dazzling dish that's better for you and potentially better tasting than the original. 

Savory and Sweet Substitutions
Below is a select sampling of high-flavored, simple, and "real" swaps to try at home. These calorie-cutting swaps—or creative versions of them. Use these substitutions mainly to inspire makeovers for your own too-rich recipes. It's a starting point since adaptations are recipe dependent—basically meaning that what works with one recipe may not work as well with another.
Please use this chart as a guide and add to the list with other original, lusciously light swaps of your own as you go.

Savory and Sweet Substitutions Guide

Instead of: 1/4 cup sour cream (for savory food)
Swap for: 1/4 cup plain fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- Pinch of ground cayenne
- Pinch of grated lemon zest or fresh gingerroot
- Minced garlic, shallot, or scallion to taste
- 2 teaspoons chopped fresh herb

Instead of: 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (for dip or creamy salad)
Swap for:
1 tablespoon mayonnaise + 1 tablespoon plain fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- Pinch of grated lemon zest
- Splash of hot pepper sauce
- Pinch more spice or fresh herb already in recipe
- Stone-ground or Dijon mustard to taste

Instead of: 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (on sandwiches)
Swap for: 2 tablespoons of one of the "Mayos" -OR- 2 tablespoons tzatziki, hummus, bean dip, guacamole, or mashed avocado
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- Freshly ground black pepper to taste
- Splash of vinegar of choice or lemon juice
- Minced sweet onion or caramelized onions to taste
- Additional spicier or more peppery greens, such as baby arugula, on sandwich

Instead of: 2 tablespoons oil (for stir-frying, sautéing, or sweating)
Swap for: 1 tablespoon canola, grape­seed or other heart-healthful oil with a high smoke point (at medium-high or high temperatures) -OR- 1 tablespoon high-flavored heart-healthful oil, such as toasted sesame, extra-virgin oil, or unrefined peanut (at medium or lower temperature)
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- 2 teaspoons acid ingredient, such as white balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, or white wine (to be added with onion or other ingredient to be sautéed)
- Sauté a minute or two longer than usual to aim for some/ more caramelization to boost flavor
(Note: Use a PFOA-free nonstick skillet to help prevent sticking when using less fat. Otherwise, if ingredients begin to stick due to too little fat, cover with the lid to trap moisture for a few minutes.)

Instead of: 1/2 cup butter (in baking)
Swap for: 1/4 cup unsalted butter + 3 tablespoons no-sugar-added apple butter or plain fat-free Greek yogurt or mashed banana or (3 tablespoon) mixture of no-sugar-added apple butter and plain fat-free Greek yogurt
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- 1/4 teaspoon additional pure vanilla extract and/or other pure extract

Instead of: 1 cup sugar (in baking)
Swap for: 3/4 cup to 7/8 cup turbinado sugar or coconut palm sugar
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- Pinch of sweet spice, such as ground cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
- Pinch of intrigue, such as rosemary or cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon additional pure vanilla extract or other pure extract
- 2 (or more) tablespoons mashed fruit or fruit spread (adjust other liquid in the recipe if needed)

Instead of: 1 ounce regular mild cheese
Swap for: 3/4 ounce sharp, stinky, or smoky cheese, such as extra sharp Cheddar, Limburger, or smoked Gouda
Optional Flavor Add-Ins:
- Sprinkle some on top of dish (if not already indicated in recipe) to provide appearance of more cheese
- Stir in about 2 tablespoons plain fat-free Greek yogurt for additional creaminess in a recipe
- Combine crumbled cheese with about 2 tablespoons crumbled tofu to "stretch" the cheese

Recipe Makeovers
When giving one of your own recipes a fit and flavorful makeover, you suggest making one adaptation at a time instead of a sweeping swap. Think of it as getting a first-rate nose job instead of a risky nose job, chin lift, butt tuck, Botox, and liposuction all at once. If the first change works well, then move onto the next. The goal is to have a successful new dish, not just a potentially scary looking low-cal one! 

Suggested swaps:
1. Significantly reduced butter. Added another banana to replace the buttery moistness and boost sweetness.
2. Used whole-wheat pastry flour instead of all-purpose flour for heartier, richer color and more satisfying fiber. Added millet in place of a small amount of the flour for more texture.
3. Added turbinado sugar instead of white granulated sugar for a more natural product and more caramel-like flavor appeal.
4. Heightened sweet overall flavor by use of additional vanilla extract.
5. Replaced part of the nuts with nut oil so the walnut flavor would be in every bite of bread, not just in the nuts. Toasted the walnuts for more nuttiness. Plus, the crunchy millet created the effect of more nuts, even though less was used.
Tip: If you were making your own swaps to an original ("before") recipe like the above, you suggest starting with one swap, such as using whole-wheat pastry flour instead of all-purpose (white) flour. Then on your next makeover of the recipe, add one additional swap. And so on.

Try your best not to add any more than the amount listed. If you desire more flavor, reach for extra amounts of other very low calorie ingredients in a recipe, such as herbs or spices. It's okay to use less salt in a recipe if that suits your palate or your dietary needs better. But do keep in mind that sodium adds flavor. And for healthy folks, taste rules!

How Much Sodium Is Okay?
Salt, including sea salt, contains sodium. One teaspoon of salt has approximately 2,300mg sodium. The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to no more than 2,300mg a day. That number is reduced to 1,500mg if you're age 51 or older, or if you're African American, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.

I suggest agave nectar as an option for honey if you prefer to keep vegan. You suggest coconut palm sugar as an option for turbinado sugar. Consider replacing part of the turbinado sugar with it, one for one. It may have less impact on blood sugar.
What about using naturally derived calorie-free sweeteners? They can obviously help reduce calories from sugar even further, if that's your goal. So if you prefer to try substituting sugar with 0-calorie stevia, check the package for instructions. you suggest replacing no more than half of the sugar with it. Too much stevia in a recipe can result in a slightly bitter taste. And if you're baking, know that you'll lose the baking qualities that real sugar provides, including bulk and caramelization. But here is a general guide to follow, based on packets:
1 tablespoon sugar is the equivalent of about 2 packets of stevia
1 cup sugar is the equivalent of about 20 packets of stevia
And be on the lookout as additional natural sugar replacers come to market, like no-calorie sweeteners made with monk fruit.

A Dash of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a notable spice in Middle Eastern cuisine. Also, cinnamon has been associated with helping to regulate blood sugar levels. This may be especially helpful for people with or at risk for diabetes.

Many low calorie recipes rely mainly on plant-based "milk" as the milk of choice. These include plain almond milk, unsweetened coconut milk beverage, light soy milk, and unsweetened sunflower beverage. Other plant-based "milks" appear to be on the horizon too, so keep your eyes open for them. These milk alternatives provide a bevy of nutrients and they're low in calories—many brands averaging around just 50 calories per cup. All of those saved calories add up. However, do know that most plant-based beverages (other than soy milk) do not naturally have nearly as much protein as dairy milk? So if you prefer to keep your protein boost using a plant-based "milk," go with light soy milk. Look for a GMO free variety. Or check labels carefully and see if the plant-based "milk" has added protein. If you personally prefer to use dairy milk—whether cow, goat, or sheep—use the lowest fat options available. When possible and available, choose milk (and yogurt and cheese) from cows that were raised without the artificial growth hormone, rBST. Finally, when using any dairy milk in place of plant-based "milk", remember that the calories per serving will be slightly higher.

As noted earlier , you recommend going organic if you can. It's a vote for your health and the health of our planet. Though there is no scientifically proven connection between eating organic foods and weight loss, choosing organic foods may result in an overall healthier diet. And that may assist you with weight-loss efforts. 

Flexitarians, Vegetarians, Vegans, and Ecotarians

What's for dinner? Beef? Chicken? 
Well, it used to be commonplace to have an entrée that was protein rich—and usually animal based. But it's definitely okay if your entrée is based on vegetables or whole grains. In fact, you recommend it!

- Flexitarian: A flexitarian is basically an "almost" vegetarian—or someone who occasionally may eat small amounts of poultry, fish, or meat. The Main Dishes: Vegetarian and Flexitarian chapter  was designed with the flexitarian in mind. The recipes in the chapter are all vegetarian; however, you'll see flexitarian options highlighted for every recipe, too. It'll help "beef" up the dishes. Many of these options can also be ideal if you're preparing a dish for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians, making it simple to fix one dish both ways. What's more, the flexitarian options can help you boost the protein content of the dish, if that's your goal. Otherwise, keep in mind that if you do choose one of the entrées that's relatively low in protein, balance it with a side dish that's higher in protein, like beans, tofu, or (for flexitarians) chicken.
- Vegetarian: A vegetarian doesn't eat any chicken, fish, or meat. The most common is a lacto-ovo vegetarian, who includes eggs and dairy in the diet. A vegan avoids all animal products. Other than the two main dish chapters based on animal foods. 
- Ecotarian: An ecotarian is a "green" eater.  Fresh and natural ingredients are the focus. No overly processed ingredients will be found in the recipes, period. Plus, you can adapt the recipes to meet more specific environmentally conscious habits of your own choosing, such as selecting more organic foods or using energy-saving eco-cuisine cooking techniques.

Weight-Loss Diets
Whether following a do-it-yourself diet, one of the many popular commercialized weight-loss approaches, or a dietitian-developed plan, you'll be able to find recipes to fit into your chosen weight-management approach. Do consult with your physician and/or registered dietitian before beginning any weight-loss plan.

If you prefer to go even lower in calories, please use the recipes as a guide and experiment as you wish—one adjustment at a time. But do keep in mind that the lower in calories you go and the more substitutes you make, the more those changes will affect taste, texture, satisfaction, and overall appeal. And the goal for eating healthfully is to do so for the long run, not temporarily. So do make any changes wisely. Enjoyment is important.

Nutrition Analysis
The nutrition analysis is provided for every recipe to help guide you in selecting recipes to fit into your healthful eating plan. In the analysis, you include the specific amounts of ingredients actually used. So, for instance, if a marinade doesn't all get utilized in the recipe as served, only the actual amount of marinade in the final product is used for the analysis. If an ingredient is listed as optional, it's not included in the analysis. And the equivalent of 1⁄8 teaspoon oil per serving is included in the analysis for any recipe where cooking spray is used. Precise measurements were taken whenever possible to provide you with the most accurate nutrition information.

Special Diets
The recipes can also be incorporated into eating plans for chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and pre-diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and more. 
To determine which recipes may best meet your specific nutrition or health requirement, seek the individualized advice of a registered dietitian.

Sauté at medium heat instead of the traditional medium-high.
This is done for a couple of reasons: (1) the recipe may use an oil with a lower smoke point (one that's not meant to be used at high temps), such as extra-virgin olive oil, and (2) the recipe may benefit from "sweating" an item, especially onions, to bring out all the moisture and flavors. Classically, "sautéing" refers to cooking food quickly in a small amount of oil in a sauté pan or skillet over direct heat, usually at medium-high or higher heat. If done at a lower heat a little more slowly, it's classically called "sweating." 

Also, cooking at medium instead of medium-high heat works better when you don't have as much oil in the skillet, since cooking at too high temps can be drying, potentially causing ingredients to stick to the pan. One trick of mine is to add a splash of vinegar and a pinch of sea salt in this process, mainly when sautéing onions. It helps create extra moisture so you don't need as much oil during the sautéing process, which saves calories. Plus, the vinegar is an acidic ingredient that works to balance any bitterness from additional ingredients included in the dish. 

To prevent splattering, just remember to carefully add the vinegar or other acid ingredient with or after the ingredient that is to be sautéed, not with the oil. (Note: There was a recent animal study which suggested that vinegar may have a fat-burning role in the body. Though there is no decisive evidence yet that vinegar helps humans lose weight, a splash of vinegar here and there may be a good thing.)

A low-calorie breakfast
Eating breakfast helps you obtain a diet that's balanced and nutrient-rich, boosts your energy levels, and potentially reduces hunger levels throughout the day.

It may be key for weight-management efforts. Studies show that breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than breakfast eaters. So, yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I've included breakfast items that you know and love in this chapter so that you'll be enticed to eat breakfast regularly.

An important component of a healthful, sustaining breakfast is protein. Protein can help you feel full longer than either carbohydrates or fats. It helps you maintain muscle, which ultimately can help you burn calories. What's more, studies have found that eating eggs at breakfast time may play a valuable role in weight management, mainly due to the feeling of fullness they impart. That said, you'll see plenty of egg dishes in this chapter; eggs are rich in high-quality protein. And they're delicious.

It may surprise some to see many recipes use whole eggs, and not egg whites. Most health professionals agree that enjoying an egg a day can easily fit within a healthful diet. A whole egg is not a high-calorie food—it provides about 75 calories. Plus, most of the taste and nutrition is in the yolk. you encourage choosing organic eggs if you can; they're from pasture-raised hens and some studies suggest they may provide more omega-3s, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. They taste better to me, too.
But all eggs are nutrient rich. 

To prepare them, Use some culinary nutrition tricks. You'll see fat-free plain Greek yogurt or part-skim ricotta, which "stretches" eggs and makes them seem creamier in a calorie-friendly way. There are plenty of fresh herbs and spices for flavor and eye appeal, as in Herb and Sweet Potato Soft Scramble . A couple recipes, including Goat Cheese, Onion, and Fingerling Frittata , contain turmeric (which is rich in antioxidants!) to emphasize the golden yellow hue of the eggs. You'll even find a couple mouthwatering made-over versions of quiche—definitely try Spanish Manchego "Quiche".

If you're very young or old, pregnant, or your immune system is compromised, cook eggs until fully done. For example, though the recipes for Soft Scrambled Eggs with Purple Potato and Chives  and Herb and Sweet Potato Soft Scramble  suggest to cook eggs only until custard-like, do prepare longer to meet your stricter needs for food safety. They're still going to taste good and be good for you.
But eggs aren't the only answer to a nutritious breakfast. Eating whole-grain cereal can be a beneficial part of a healthy diet and, potentially, a healthy weight. In this chapter, you'll find oatmeal recipes that have big flavors and use real fruits and crunchy granola filled with delicious, nutrient-rich ingredients to help you out. These granolas, granola parfaits, and fruity oatmeal recipes all contain whole grains from the oats. The fiber provided will be helpful for keeping you satisfied—and managing blood sugar and cholesterol. There's even a 250-calorie Cocoa Breakfast Cereal Bar  if you need to eat on the run—or need a chocolate fix.

You'll also find the comforting choices of pancakes, crepes, waffles, and French toast. They're all made with nutritious, flavorful flours: whole-wheat pastry flour, oat flour, or almond flour. Some are mixed with low-fat buttermilk, which tastes rich and tangy but is only 100 calories a cup.

Plain almond milk: A cup provides an average of only 50 calories! There's an array of recipes from which to select, from the savory—Ham and Cheese Crepes —to the sweet—Raspberry-Laced Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Pancakes.

You can round out some of your main breakfast dishes with some of the produce-pleasing sides. Actually, you can complete any breakfast meal with a fruit or vegetable. In many cases, I've already done that for you; where veggies are mixed into the egg dish or fruit is served atop a whole-grain dish. Fresh fruit or vegetable juice can count, too. When pairing your breakfast meal with a glass of 100% fruit juice, go with a 6-ounce not 16-ounce, serving to keep calories in check.
Please don't feel that you must eat "breakfast food" in the morning. The most important thing is to eat breakfast, period. That means if you prefer a veggie burger or chicken salad, go for it. Just be sure it's still nutrient rich and fits within your eating plan.