Wellness and Diets

1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Plan 2 (India)

Calorie Meal Plans (Per Day): Total Daily Servings

Starch 8
Meat and meat substitutes 6
Fruit 4
Fat 4
Vegetables 3
Milk 3

List Of Options That Can Be Added  To A Type 2 Diabetes Meal Plan: 
1 serving=80 calories
Cereal, Beans, Grains, Brown PastaCereal (cooked): ½ cupBread
Beans (cooked): 1/3 cupPopcorn (plain, unbuttered): 3 cups
Rice (cooked): 1/3 cupBread (slice or roll): 1 oz
Pasta (cooked): ½ cupCrackers, snack4­5
Corn (cooked): ½ cupHamburger or hot dog bun½ oz or 1 oz
Peas (cooked): ½ cup

Fruit 1 serving=60 calorie
Apple, Pear, Dried fruit, OrangeApple (raw – 2"): 1Raisins2 tablespoon
Banana (ripe, medium): 1/2Apple, orange or grapefruit juice (no added sugar): ½ cup
Pear1Cranberry, grape or prune juice (no added sugar): 1/3 cup
Dried fruit ¼ cup

Milk 1 serving=90 / ­100 calories
Whole milk8 ozYogurt (non­fat, plain): 8 oz
Buttermilk8 oz

Vegetables 1 serving=25 calories
(A serving is ½ cup of cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables)

Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Leafy Greens, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Spinach, Tomatoes, Water chestnuts

Meat and Meat Substitutes 1 serving= 143 calories (Lean Meats)
 (Medium/High­Fat Meats): Lean Meats

Cheese (1-3g of fat): 1 oz; Chicken (white, no skin): 1 oz; Cottage chest: ¼ cup; Fish (tuna): 1 oz

Medium/High­Fat Meats

Beef: 1 oz; Chicken (dark meat, no skin): 1 oz; Sausage: 1 oz; Pork (ribs, barbecue, chops, cutlets): 1 oz; Egg: 1

Fats 1 serving=45 calories

Avocado (4"): 1/8; Butter: 1 tsp; Cream cheese: 1 Tbsp; Margarine: 1 tsp; Mayonnaise: 1 tsp; Nuts or seeds: 1 Tbsp

Free Foods - Unlimited Servings

Coffee, Drink mixes (sugar­free), Mineral water, Tea, Garlic or garlic powder, Herbs (fresh or dry), Sweet Substitutes, Gelatin desserts (sugar­free)

Sample Breakdown Of 1800 Calorie Diabetic Meal Plan
This Meal Plan involves a total of 8 starch exchanges, 6 meat/meat substitute exchanges, 4 fruit exchanges, 4 fat exchanges, 3 veggies exchanges, and 3 milk exchanges daily (ADA diet plan).


Day - Meal Time -Diet

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): Idli + cornflakes 1 cup + 6 almonds
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): Pomegranate (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + + Daal (1/2 cup) + Veg. curry (1 cup) + fresh lemon + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Green Tea (1 cup) + 1 cup oats (vegetable)
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapatti + Chicken stew (1 cup) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): Soy Milk 1 cup + Whole-grain Sandwich + Ripe Banana (1)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): 1 Orange + Apple/Pear
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Rajmah (1/2 cup) + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Tea (using skimmed milk) (1/2 cup) + Roasted chana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapati + Veg. 
Curry (1 cup) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): Vegetable Daliya + Curd
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): Papaya (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Veg. curry (1 cup) + Paneer + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Green Tea (1 cup) + nuts
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapatti + Daal (1 bowl) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): 2 paneer parantha + 1 cup curd + 6 almonds
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): 1 Orange + Pomegranate (1 cup)
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + salad + Veg. curry (1 cup)
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Coffee (using skimmed milk) + 1 cup paneer tikka
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapati + Veg. 
Curry (1 cup) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): Soy Milk 1 cup + 1 cup Cornflakes + Ripe Banana (1)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30AM): Apple + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Parboiled Rice (1 cup)/ 3 Chapatis + Daal (1 cup) + leafy salads
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Green Tea (1 cup) + makhana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapatti + Spinach (1 cup) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): Whole-grain Sandwich + Tea (using skimmed milk)
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): 1 Orange + Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): 3 Chapatis + Veg. curry (1 cup) + salad
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Green Tea (1 cup) + roasted makhana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapati + Veg. 
Curry (1 cup) + salad

Breakfast (8:00-8:30 AM): 2 dal parantha + 1 cup curd + 6 walnuts
Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30 AM): Pomegranate (1 cup) + 1 Guava
Lunch (2:00-2:30 PM): Idli + sambhar + salads
Evening (4:00-4:30 PM): Green Tea (1 cup) + roasted chana
Dinner (8:00-8:30 PM): 2 Chapatti + Lauki/Tori + salad


1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan Do's & Do Not's

Use pulses, whole grain cereals, whole wheat bread, oats, and whole wheat porridge to add fiber to your diet. Have a carb-controlled diet for diabetes.
Use refined versions of soya oil, olive oil, canola oil, or mustard oil. Also, remember to change the oils in a couple of months.
Take at least four-five servings of fresh fruits and green vegetables each day.
Use lemon and vinegar as a salad dressing.
Consume fresh lime (without sugar); keeps the body hydrated.
Make a habit of having nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, or flax seeds; all are good sources of antioxidants. All are some of the energy foods for diabetics.

Avoid skipping meals. The daily calories must be divided into 5-6 small meals.
Do not take sugar, jams, juice, chocolate, or sweets.
Limit the consumption of starchy vegetables such as potatoes, colocasia, etc.
Do not take white bread, plain white rice, biscuits, sago, or noodles, etc.
Avoid saturated fats and whole milk.
Restrict alcohol intake and watch for calories.
Do not take high cholesterol foods.
Limit the consumption of excess salt, and processed and preserved foods.